IMPACT 23 International Theatre Festival
IMPACT 23 brings powerful performances.
Theatre is here.
September 26th – October 1st, 2023
In-Person / Downtown Kitchener, Waterloo Region
Watch the latest IMPACT 23 Trailer
Thank You for Making IMPACT…
IMPACT 23 was here!
Festival Programme
Festival Programme Now Available!
The IMPACT 23 Festival Programme with updated programming details is here.
Grab your copy at our Opening Ceremonies September 26, at the first show you attend, or at select venues in Downtown Kitchener. #DTK
There have been updates to some show start times so please review the online programme or schedules.
~ The MT Space & IMPACT Team
O:se Kenhionhata:tie Land Back Camp
Throughout the Festival, Sacred Fire prior to Opening“O:se Kenhionhata:tie, also known as Land Back Camp, is a group of Two Spirit IndigiQueer folx and queer/trans or LGBTQ+ settler accomplices gathering in the Great Peace to celebrate, learn, and thrive in our cultures. We represent several Nations living under the peace of the Dish With One Spoon Wampum, and the Two Row Wampum. Land Back Camp is the only completely Two Spirit IndigiQueer run organization in the region.”
Every day.
Be an ally.
Take action.

The Healing of the Seven Generations
The Healing of the Seven Generations is healing from the past, where the waters were not calm, the people just cried, where the children became broken and lost. Where the children were stolen from their families. Healing of the Seven Generations is a place that provides calmer waters. Life in the future is spiritual, and healing has taken place, from between the wings of the Creator above for the men, the women, the youth, and the children. Guiding our People from the past, into today, and wholehearted for the future.
Land Back Camp
LANDBACK is a movement that has existed for generations with a long legacy of organizing and sacrifice to get Indigenous Lands back into Indigenous hands.
Support local O:se Kenhionhata:tie Land Back Camp in Willow River Park.

Orange Shirt Day
In 2015, the Orange Shirt Society was formed to create awareness of the individual, family and community inter-generational impacts of Indian Residential Schools with the purpose of supporting Indian Residential School Reconciliation and promoting the truth that EVERY CHILD MATTERS.

Impact 23 Makers’ Market
SEP 30 – OCT 01, 2023 | 2pm – 9pm
Gaukel Block, 44 Gaukel St, Downtown Kitchener
Join us at the Makers’ Market during the IMPACT Theatre Festival!
Explore unique creations from local vendors, artists, and organizations –immerse yourself in a world of art and craftmanship.
Festival Information
Box Office & Ticket Info
Did you know? >> Single Tickets are available on a sliding scale, conference day passes are still available, we may have to make alternate plans for weather, Indigenous Peoples can attend without fees? All the info you need here:
Get Tickets
Tickets are for sale on Ticketscene.
We encourage you to buy tickets in advance online.
A limited number of tickets will be available for sale at the door of each show, if it is not sold out.
Content & Trigger Warnings
The difficult, tough stuff. You’ve been warned.
Schedules, Venues & Maps
The where and the when, and sometimes how.
About MT Space & IMPACT
The MT Space Staff & Tech Team, Thank Yous, Volunteers, the Majdi Bou-Matar memorial committee, the MT Space Board of Directors – everyone that made it happen.
Here Because of Them
IMPACT 23 Industry Conference ‘Here Because of Them’ ran Thursday, Sept 28 through Saturday, Sept 30.
Conference Passes and Day Pass Sales are now closed.
IMPACT // Past Festival Programmes
Please click on the cover page of one of the past festivals to access a PDF of the full programme.
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