About MT Space & IMPACT 23
Staff, Technicians, Board, Volunteers & Thank YousEveryone who made IMPACT happen in 2023.
Founded in 2004, MT Space is dedicated to theatre that centralizes marginalized voices to address social issues and constitute a vibrant intercultural community.
IMPACT (International Multicultural Platform for Alternative Contemporary Theatre) is a biennial celebration organized by MT Space in Ontario’s Waterloo Region. IMPACT is focused on Indigenous and culturally diverse work from Turtle Island and around the world, with special emphasis on interdisciplinary, intercultural, and physical productions. IMPACT presents some of the finest local, national, and international work.
It provides a unique platform to engage, play, and rejuvenate with hundreds of artists and thousands of visitors from across Canada and beyond.
MT Space is a Registered Charity: 862192291RR0001
Managing Artistic Director Pam Patel
Company Manager Bó Bárdos
Apprentice General Manager Hiyam Mahrat
Associate Producer Yazan Maarouf
Public Outreach & Development
Coordinator Carlos Parada
Apprentice Artistic Director Nada AbuSaleh
Production Manager Cameron Slipp
Box Office Manager Maria Kouznetsova
Photographer Andy Wright
Logistics Coordinator Brooke Barnes
Production Assistant Freddy Van Camp
Marketing Assistant Elsa Haroon
Bookkeeper Suzanne Langdon
Creative Services & Graphic Design Nichol Comyn
Thank Yous
Jenna Winter, Viktorija Kovač,
G & G Carpentry, WLU Indigenous
Student Centre, Theatre & Performance
Program at the University of Waterloo,
The Water Depot, Janelle Rainville,
Emily Robson, Karoline Varin,
Julie Marshall, Steve Roth,
Kristy Skelton, Patti Flather, Brian Kelly,
Gaya Bin Noon, Luke Swinson,
May Mahrat, Robert Azevedo,
Raina Schumacher, Colin Umbach,
Taras Rudyi, Sharanya Karkera,
Amy Balatoni, Mary Saleh
Majdi Bou-Matar
Memorial Committee
Isabel Cisterna, Cyrine Gannoun,
Patti Flather, Ric Knowles,
Tawiah M’Carthy, Bó Bárdos
IMPACT Technical Team
James Agathos, Leelind Keary,
Nadia Ursacki, Rafik Alsamkary,
Elias Dekoter, Shannon Lee,
Monica Durlak, Lilian Adom
Big thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who make everything possible, you know who you are!
MT Space
Board of Directors 2023-24
Chair David Morneau
Treasurer Joan Chandra
Secretary Fitsum Areguy
Director Fawaz Almassri
Director Fanny Villarte-Croce